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The good news is that there is a solution. By supporting the Regular Republican Club of Union and the candidates sponsored by the Republican Party, you can help the dream of a smaller, more efficient government become a reality.

Elephants never forget!

Throughout Union's history, Republicans -- from the late, great Mayor F. Edward Biertuempfel to our longtime Township Administrator Lou Giacona to our present crop of G.O.P. luminaries like Sen. Lou Bassano or Committeeman Greg Muller -- have always played a leading role in upholding the strong community and family values people of Union hold sacred. We want to continue that trend...but we need your help. Leaders like Greg and Lou can act on your behalf, but it is Union's people, not her politicians, that must be the driving force for change.

If we sound like an organization you can support, come to one of our meetings at the Boys & Girls Club or contact Membership Chairman Ray Lehmann at (908) 851-2997 about how to become a member yourself. Together, we can help keep the Township of Union the "All-American City."